Your work can come down to the exact millimetre, so we provide precision insurance policies for precise businesses.
As a manufacturer, you are tasked with producing bespoke solutions for your clients. Creating a bespoke insurance policy for your business is therefore imperative, with Professional Indemnity insurance the most crucial cover, helping to dispel any allegations of mistakes or wrongful advice.
At Arden, we will take the time to fully understand your business and the processes involved in your line of work meeting key people involved in your internal risk management. We will offer a tailored, competitive and comprehensive insurance programme to ensure you remain agile but safe in the knowledge that you have exceptional cover.
- Employers Liability
- Public Liability
- Professional Indemnity
- Plant and Machinery insurance
- Contract Works
- Buildings and Contents
- Business Interruption
- Cyber
- Directors and Officers insurance
- Personal Accident cover
- Tool insurance
- Business travel
To find out more about our Services please contact our team today on T. +44 (0) 204 505 3573 or fill out the form below: