As technology becomes increasingly important for successful business operations, the value of strong Cyber and Fintech Insurance policies will only continue to grow.


The continued rise in the amount of information stored and transferred electronically has resulted in a remarkable increase in the potential exposures facing businesses. Regulations, such as the Data Protection Act must also be considered, because a loss of sensitive personal information may subject you to investigation by the Data Commissioner with associated investigative costs that accompany such action.

In an age where a stolen laptop or hacked account can instantly compromise the personal data of thousands of customers, or an ill-advised post on a social media site can be read by hundreds in a matter of minutes, protecting yourself from cyber liabilities is just as important as some of the more traditional exposures businesses account for in their general commercial liability policies.


Fintech innovations are reshaping the financial services sector, which is both creating new opportunities and posing new challenges. In seeking to maximise these opportunities, it is becoming even more important to seek specialist insurance advice to protect your burgeoning business. All businesses are now moving to a paperless culture and adopting new systems, meaning there is a growing reliance on data and technology. These new environments are exposing business to new types of risk and threats every day. Demonstrating that you are in control of these risks will be part of everyday business going forward.

We can arrange policies to help protect your business against:

  • Technology failures
  • Regulatory investigations
  • Cyber attacks
  • Hacking of bank accounts or customer data
  • Any legal action facing your C-suite

To find out more about our Services please contact our team today on T. +44 (0) 204 505 3573 or fill out the form below: